Caravelle restoration - a Week of Lifts

Lauantai 4.2.2023 - Ismo Matinlauri


During last week we performed several lifts using the bridge cranes in the hall where the Caravelle III (SE-DAF) is under restoration. First we turned around the horizontal stabilizer and then we installed the left side engine nacelle. Finally we lifted the rudder to the working area.





The horizontal stabilizer was turned around because we completed the grinding work on the upper side, and it is now waiting for the temperature to rise to a level where polishing and painting is possible. After the turn we can now do the same work phases to the lower side as well. Then we will polish and paint it before the next lift and turn, after which we can polish and paint the upper side. Then the horizontal stabilizer is ready and the right side up for the installation work.


The engine nacelle required some sheet metal work before it could be installed. Some corroded plates needed to be changed or repaired. Time was also needed to fix some screw holes on the fuselage so that they would be ready when the nacelle was in place and the fairings are assembled into place. Finally the nacelles were ground on the outside, now they are ready for painting. Then everything was ready for the nacelle lift.



The left side engine nacelle was lifted back to its place under the supervision of Markku Ahokoski. We used lifting chains tailored for the purpose and connected to the original lifting holes on the nacelle. Fitting and tightening the nacelle’s four fastening bolts took more time than estimated but with some adjustments we managed to do it.


It has been decided that the engine nacelles will be painted with silver colour paint and not polished. This is because the surfaces are worn and there are marks of use. Polishing would lead to an uneven surface and would not look right.

The other engine nacelle will be lifted to its place in about two weeks’ time, when the same preparation work as with first one has been completed.

Photos by Jouko Tarponen

Translation by Erja Reinikainen

Avainsanat: aviation history, restoration, Caravelle, SE-DAF