Painting the propeller of the Snoopy by its painting scheme

Perjantai 20.12.2024 - Tuesday Club member


The damaged Hoffmann Rosenheim propeller, received as a donation, was primed after its repair with bluish-grey Isotrol oil paint. This paint suits for both priming and surface painting. After the priming, putty was still re-applied to some uneven spots, after which the propeller surfaces were thoroughly ground smooth with sandpaper. The grinding dust was wiped off with a rag moistened with Sinol / water solution (50% / 50%).




Now we proceeded to painting the propeller by the original painting scheme as in the Snoopy, documented in photographs of it. The tips of the blades were red, with a narrow white stripe in the bottom edge of the red. The front side of the blades was painted with the same bluish-grey paint as the whole aircraft. The back side of the blades had been painted matt black between the red tip of the blade and the propeller hub, to prevent glare.




Painting the propeller as in the Snoopy painting scheme was started, after grinding the primer, by covering it fully with bluish-grey Isotrol paint. The front side of the blades simultaneously received its final bluish-grey coat of paint. The paint job was done with a brush. Spray painting was considered, but Isotrol gives an extremely even, smooth, plastic-like surface even when applied with a brush.




Next were painted the red propeller tips. Red spray paint was bought, and used for it. The length of the red tip was estimated based on photos of the Snoopy. It was about 1/3 of the distance between the propeller hub and the tip. The tip part was separated with tape, and the rest of the propeller was protected with cardboard for the time of painting. At first, the front sides of the propeller blades were sprayed red. After the paint had dried, the back sides of the propeller blades were sprayed equally.



Because spray paint dries quickly, the back sides of the propeller blades could be painted matt black on the same day. That was also done by spraying it. Again, the length of the matt black area was defined by photos of the Snoopy. The matt black area reaches from the red tip to the edge of the propeller hub, where tape was applied for separating it. Now, both the tips of the propeller blades and the hub area were protected, and the back side surface of the blades was sprayed matt black.


What is still missing is the white stripe separating the bottom of the red areas from the bluish-grey and matt black areas of the blades. The paint job did not make it in time before the Christmas pause of the Tuesday Club, so the painting will be delayed until the spring of 2025.

The donated German Hoffmann Rosenheim propeller had thus acquired the external appearance of the propeller used in the Snoopy, except for the white stripe.

Photos by Lassi Karivalo.

Translation to English by Hannu Mononen.

Avainsanat: aviation history, restoration, Tuesday Club, Hietanen HEA-23b, OH-XEA, "Ressu"